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The Blink Effect will support you on the journey to REWIRE YOUR BRAIN to enhance your:

The ability to notice, understand, respond to and manage your own emotions and those of others. It is critical in productive decision making and successfully navigating relationships with others, and it’s central to leadership efficacy.

With research demonstrating that emotional intelligence is now the strongest predictor of performance it’s no longer a ‘nice to have’ competency and is a requirement in the successful leadership of a workplace.

The ability to alter your relationship with your thoughts and feelings, so they no longer hijack your behaviours and so that in all situations, you can respond mindfully (rather than react impulsively) in a way that is in line with your values and what matters to you.

The ability to be aware of your heightened physical and emotional response to stressful and unpleasant stimuli and to gain control over your ability to lower your heart rate, defuse from emotional storms, decrease your levels of stress hormones and as a direct consequence, strengthen your immune system.

The four tenets of the programme

  • With a daily avalanche of information, noise and distraction we experience a daily challenge to work out what actually matters.
  • We are hyper-connected – yet somehow disconnected from ourselves + others.
  • As neuroscientists tell us repeatedly we have an ‘Old brain for a new world’.

  • For many of us there is a constant quest to ”live our best lives” and “do more with less”.
  • We find ourselves chasing status, achievement or money and comparing to photo-shopped perfection.
  • Yet it’s never quite enough, we never quite get there – and we don’t really know how to stop.

  • Your relationship with yourself & others determines the quality of your life.
  • You can’t change some things about yourself and others.
  • But you can change…how you respond, how you relate to yourself – and how you relate to others.

  • Think of yourself as a computer – your brain = your ”hardware”: your psychology (your mental characteristics + habitual responses) = your ”software”.
  • Your hardware can be updated and ‘re-wired’ AND your software can be installed, uninstalled and upgraded.
  • That’s where The Blink Effect comes in….